Tuesday, February 18, 2020

5 Best Things To Do In Kiribati If You Go There

Kiribati is one of the least visited countries in the world, located between Fiji and Hawaii, but for those fortune enough to explore this pacific paradise, what is there to do?

Today we'll give you some ideas on the best things to do in Kiribati. Of course that's many more great places and things to do, but after a recent trip there last year, here's a few ideas. 

So pack your suitcase, take out your camera and start your next travel adventure. 

5. View Historical Sites

  • Population: 110,000
  • Currency: Kiribati Dollar
  • Famous For: Friendly People 

The Battle of Tarawa during World War II has a significant impact on the history of Kiribati. 

The remains of the battle can still be evident to date, such as guns, rust tanks, and bunkers still available for tourists to see. For Scuba divers there's plenty of wrecked ships to explore. 

The atoll city of Tarawa, which is the capital centre of Kiribati, offers several islets separated by many channels of low tide. Rock depressions found on the ocean shores termed as giant footprints is a view to look.

A bird's eye view of Kiribati through the use of light aircraft is possible, giving an overview of the beautiful countryside within a day.

Kiribati is among one of the UNESCO heritage sites. 

4. Explore Fanning Island

Fanning Island is the most tourist destinations visited in Kiribati. Also referred to as Tabuaeran. The island offers several beautiful beaches covered in white sand and blue waters.

Surfing in Fanning Island is the best place in Kiribati, as it offers a favourable climate and hosts a five-kilometre distance of stretch points. Underwater diving is also a good option and let's you explore the abundant marine life of Kiribati.

3. Enjoy Kiribati Culture

Local foods and drinks give the tourist experience to remember. Drinks from the palm tree are the main drink in Kiribati, which is natural and fresh.

Fishing is the main dish offered in several recipes to sample.

The parliament building, which stands on an artificial island, tourists are allowed to walk in and even take pictures when not in session.

Traditional houses, which are roofed at the top leaving the sides open, serve as meeting venues and as resting place for visitors who can enjoy the local dances and singing.

Coconut harvesting is the main production activity in Kiribati. Coconut is grown for export across the country, giving the local a means of generating income.

The industry for coconut harvesting is an ideal place to visit. Cruising is a significant tourist activity in Kiribati. Many tourists explore the local Islands by boat. 

2. Watch The Wildlife

The island offers the experience of bird watching, with lots of rare bird varieties. Bird watching is popular in Kiribati. Different birds can be located everywhere, as the country offers excellent grounds for reproduction.

Some unique Sea creatures, such as a school of manta ray can be found while diving in the Kiribati waters. Turtle nesting is common in Kiribati, and a tour on the one of the main boats will give you a a closer look at the animals.

1. Visit Christmas Island

Kiribati is known for its pleasant climate throughout the year, with clear sandy beaches for excellent water activities. Chrismas Island offers a dream destination for scuba diving, underwater swimming among many.

The island is best known for its world-class salty water. Christmas Island has a shallow, clear salty water that makes it an ideal place for anglers, who are among the most talented and passionate hunters, who share their thrilling experience with tourists.

Imagine celebrating Christmas on Christmas Island! 

How To Get To Kiribati? 

Due to the isolation of Kiribati, getting there isn't the easiest. Currently  the only way for tourists to get there is by way of scheduled flights from Nadi, Fiji. These flights by Fiji Airways operate twice a week and fly into Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati. Air Kiribati flies this route once per week too. 

You can also fly from Brisbane to Tarawa via Honiara and Nauru on the local airline of Kiribati. It's a long flight, with two stops but it's a pleasant journey on Air Kiribati.

Other options include making your way to Nauru where Nauru Airlines offers a twice weekly service to Tarawa which is a direct flight. 

Lastly if you've got your eyes set on Christmas Island, you'll need to get to Suva where you can fly direct once per week with Fiji Airways. Currently there's no way to fly between Tarawa and Kiritimati, so you'll need to fly via Fiji, a long and expensive process.

There's also irregular flights to Nauru from Christmas Island. 

Another option is to get their by boat but there's no scheduled ferry services. Instead you'll need to choose one of the few cruises that stops in Butaritari, Kiritimati or Fanning. 

A more adventurous option is to join one of the few adventure sailing cruises or even the cargo ships that deliver supplies from mainland Australia and China to the Islands. 

What To Do In Kiribati? 

There's plenty of other things to see and do in Kiribati from tours, to fishing, diving, bird watching and adventure land and water based activities. 

Some things to consider are attending one of the main dance floorshows that can be found during one of the many festivals held year round. These are especially popular on I-Kiribati.

Cultural shows, as well as viewing artefacts and handicrafts can be found in the Kikenibeu cultural centre as well as in and around South Tarawa. 

Some of the best include a cultural tour around the giant clam farming and traditional villages in North Tarawa. You can see shrines and see the local way of life through weaving, coconut husking, toddy cutting and much more.

In North Tarawa they have a conservation area tour where you can hear stories at the sites of historic battles, view actual sailing canoes being built by hand and see some of the rock fish traps in use. Follow this up with a snorkelling experience. 

Other experiences to consider include a World War II tour where you'll see the bloodiest battles in the Pacific during the war as well as see any relics, landing sites and memorials. 

How To Get Around Kiribati

Believe it or not, Tarawa is actually reasonably well laid out for a regular and inexpensive bus service that can connect you with most of the South. You can find large fleets of private buses servicing Betio to Buota. 

Car hire and scooter hire are both cheap and affordable options in Tarawa and Kiritimati. 

However if you want to visit some of the outer Islands or even North Tarawa, you'll not have much luck with motorised vehicles, instead you'll need to hire a bicycle or walk by foot. 

On some of the outer Islands you may be able to rent a motorcycle which is convenient. 

There are many ships that operate from South Tarawa harbour to all the other smaller outlying islands that will transport passengers, cargo and cars. For the right price, you can definitely go wherever you want, the only factor will be how much time have you got? 

source https://bestfive.com.au/best-things-to-do-in-kiribati/

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